The first twelve employees who came to Japan for the training are actually the first batch to come to the country. As a matter of fact, about a hundred and eight employees from Mexico will arrive sooner before the fiscal year ends in 2014. These 180 trainees will be divided into several teams or groups and they are expected to fulfill different types of positions in the Mazda Mexico Plant. These positions include supervisors, managers, and engineers.

The training also involves a six-week long training on the Japanese language. Trainees are expected to learn the basic language and the culture of Japan before they plunge themselves into the competitive training offered by Mazda to them.

At the opening ceremony of the Mazda training course for new Mazda employees in Mexico, the managing executive officer of Mazda stated that the rise of the Mazda Plant in Mexico is a way of enhancing the business of Mazda not only in Mexico but also in South and Central America.
It is also expected that the Mexico plant will also serve as the key facilitator on production for Mazda Company’s global business in the near future. The executive officer also added that the training course in the country should be a way for the Mexican trainees to fulfill their leadership roles in Mexico.

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